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Force Power

Telekinesis (TK)

The Visual Dictionary claims Kylo Ren’s telekinetic defenses are immense.











--Taken from The Force Awakens The Visual Dictionary


Kylo Ren used the force to freeze a discharge that was fired in his direction by Poe Dameron.


“Perceiving the threat, Kylo Ren reacted immediately. A hand rose sharply, palm facing toward the unknown assailant. The gesture was merely the physical manifestation of something infinitely more powerful and entirely unseen. It intercepted the discharge from the pilot’s weapon, freezing it in mid-air as effectively as any solid barrier.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization













NOTE: The discharge was kept in the same position while Kylo Ren interrogated Poe Dameron, only releasing it when he returned to his shuttle.


After stopping the discharge, Kylo also stunned Poe Dameron, making it impossible for Poe to move.


“Initially driven by pure rage, Poe now found that he could not move. His heart pounded, his lungs heaved, but his voluntary muscles refused to respond. He was paralyzed as effectively as the blast from his blaster.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization


Kylo Ren pulls Lieutenant Mitaka towards him.


“Reaching out, a black-gloved hand clutched the startled lieutenant and pulled him violently forward. That metallic visage was now close, closer than Mitaka had ever been to it. As the officer struggled to breathe in that remorseless grasp, Kylo Ren’s voice took on a timbre lower and more menacing than any the lieutenant had ever heard.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization


Kylo Ren effortlessly freezes Rey to the point she can only breathe slowly.


“Until, evidently, he tired of it. He raised a hand, held it toward her, palm outward. As she inhaled sharply, her hand froze on the blaster. She tried to turn, to run, but her legs refused to respond. She could only stand there among the trees, taking in slow, measured breaths, as he came toward her.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization












Kylo Ren disarms Finn by pulling his lightsaber from his grasp.


Kylo used the Force to pull Finn’s lightsaber from his grip. As the weapon flew through the air, Rey knew it would be her only chance to stop Kylo.


--Taken from Rey’s story


When striding back to this personal shuttle, Kylo Ren, without gesturing, used the force to lift up the blaster from Poe Dameron and let it crash into a nearby structure.


“Once he was beyond its reach he touched it-but not with his hands. It rose, seemingly of its own accord, and flew free, smashing into a nearby structure and scaring the wits out of an idling Stormtrooper unfortunate enough to be standing nearby.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization


Kylo Ren, while being injured and enduring an emotional trauma, disarms an enraged Rey and then proceeds to hurl her into a nearby tree.


“Before she could fire, Ren raised a hand, halting her. She strained against him, her anger giving her strength. But she couldn’t fire. He was struggling also, against her newly discovered ability, as well as the wound inflicted by Chewbacca’s bowcaster. Gritting his teeth, he flung his arm sideways in a single, powerful gesture—and the blaster went flying out of her hand. Inhaling deeply, he gestured again, and this time it was Rey who went flying, to smash into a tree nearby and slide to the ground, dazed and hurt.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization











Following quotes will give a better understanding just how much Kylo Ren was hindered by the emotional trauma and by Chewbacca’s bowcaster.


“Stunned by his own action, Kylo Ren fell to this knees. Following through on the act ought to have made him stronger, a part of him believed. Instead, he found himself weakened.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization


“Amid the rising bedlam and confusion, Kylo Ren struggled to stand.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization


Mind probing/TP

Kylo Ren is skilled at using the force to probe someone’s mind.


Beyond such tools, Kylo Ren is skilled at using the Force to probe the minds of the unwilling, tearing loose deeply held secrets.


--Taken from The Force Awakens The Visual Dictionary


Kylo Ren has mastered telepathic intrusion according to The Visual Dictionary









--Taken from The Force Awakens The Visual Dictionary


Kylo successfully interrogates Poe Dameron, who had resisted every other interrogating method.


“General Hux was waiting for him. As expected, the interrogation had not taken long. The senior officer did not have to ask if it had been successful. No matter how determined the prisoner, not matter his or her individual resolve, Ren’s questioning invariably produced the same results.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization


Kylo discovers information about Rey by entering her mind.


“Surprised by what he was finding, Ren lowered his hand. Relieved of the mental intrusion, she sucked in great, long draughts of air. His brows drew together and a reluctance to believe his own findings colored his comments. “Is it true, then? You’re nothing special after all? You’re just a—Jakku scavenger?” How did he know that? She agonized as she stared back at him. Surely she hadn’t thought it! She’d tried to keep her mind blank, her memory locked, and still he had wormed his way in.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization


With just a hand gesture, Kylo Ren makes Rey fall unconscious.


“The squad leader saluted, lingered a moment to look on in fascination as at a gesture from Ren the young woman standing motionless before him collapsed, and then he hastened to relay the command lest his interest in something that was none of his business be noticed.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization












Kylo Ren again effortlessly enters Rey’s mind.


“That, and then the mind probe. The pain. Her efforts to shut it out, and the contemptuous ease with which her mental defences had been brushed aside.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization


Kylo Ren tried to penetrate her mental defences a third time but was stopped by Rey, who had discovered her powers at that moment.


“Ah he thought to himself. Something there, of interest. Not the image of the map. That would take another moment. But definitely something worth investigating. He shifted his perception toward it, seeking to identify, to analyse, to—the barrier he encountered stopped him cold. And it was he, Kylo Ren, who blinked. It made no sense. He pushed, hard, with his mind—and the probe went nowhere.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization


NOTE: After discovering her new powers, Rey was able to instinctively use a mind trick on the Stormtrooper guarding her, showing her immense potential.


Force Barrier/Deflection/Tutamis

Kylo Ren fends off Rey’s lightsaber strikes utilizing the force.


“The weapon went flying into the snow. Unarmed, he raised a hand and utilized the Force to fend off one slashing blow after another, until finally her fury penetrated his remaining defenses.”


--Taken from The Force Awakens novelization


The feat is even more impressive if you consider that Kylo was severely injured to the piont that he had trouble with pulling Anakin's lightsaber towards him.


"The hilt wobbled in the snow. Pulling it through the Force proved more strenuous than it should. The pain of Ren's wound clouded his concentration."


--Taken from The Force Awakens Junior Novelization

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